In developing the various project activities that would best serve the needs and aspirations of both the Somali and Kumeyaay communities, it was important for the youth participants to highlight cultural aspects of their communities. In addition to the project, youth participants, community leaders, elders, friends and families were invited to the events to share knowledge, celebrate, and connect with each other.
Kumeyaay & Somali
Cultural Exchange
This free 2 day event showcased visual arts, crafts, storytelling, performances and other interactive exhibitions and activities that celebrate the heritage and lives of the Somali and Kumeyaay communities in San Diego county. Traditional food was provided for all attendees. Guests had the opportunity to support local Kumeyaay and Somali small businesses.
Day 1: Somali Cultural Exchange
The Somali youth participants invited folks to the United Women of East Africa Center (UWEST) to listen to a history and culture talk; participated in interactive story sharing; listen to poetry; viewed photographs and crafts by local community members; viewed a baraanboor performance; participated in a drum circle; played traditional Somali games; get henna; and enjoyed Somali cuisine.

Day 2: Kumeyaay Cultural Exchange
The Kumeyaay youth participants invited folks to the Barona Cultural Center to tour the museum and learn the history of the Kumeyaay people; had a conversation with elders Bobby Wallace and Anthony Pico; discussed about Kumeyaay food and enjoyed lunch; participated in bird singing; and viewed baskets and other crafts by Kumeyaay community members.

End of Project Celebration
Members from both the Kumeyaay and Somali communities were invited to celebrate the activities that the youth participants worked on for a year. These included a presentation on the oral history with Bobby Curo; showcasing highlights from the podcast and video conversations; shred traditional foods; and played Kumeyaay and Somali popular games.