2000's Overview
Between 2002-2010, almost 9,000 refugees from Iraq arrived in San Diego, among others.
Events in San Diego
Events in United States
Global Events
Somali Family Service
This non-profit, community based social service organization provides culturally and linguistically appropriate programs and services to refugee and immigrant communities of San Diego.
License to Freedom
Created as a way to advocate for refugee and immigrant battered women with prevention, treatment, and promoting social justice, the staff is made up of refugees. Their areas of focus are Middle eastern, African Northern European refugees. They provide a 52 week domestic violence treatment program in languages like Arabic, Farsi, and Kurdish. They also provide free legal services to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking.
War In Darfur
The major armed conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan begins. Today, about 300,000 refugees from Darfur are currently living in camps in eastern Chad.
Young Men for Responsibility and Community
Iftin Charter School
The charter school, Iftin, meaning enlightenment in Somali, is opened by Somali refugees in mid-city San Diego.
Crawford High School New Arrival Center
The NAC program had the goal of providing a safe space to refugees and helping them become proficient in English in a year so they could continue on into credit-bearing classes.
The Karen Organization of San Diego
The organization was established to help Karen refugees stay connected with their culture, providing them with social and educational services. Their main goals are self-sufficiency and community building.
Migrant Education Region IX
The No Child Left Behind Act is administered through the San Diego County Office of Education and is a supplemental educational program providing support for student’s while collaborating with school districts and other community agencies. Each district designs what plans of service would be best for their students to create equitable opportunities and higher graduation rates.
Young African’s Activities Club
Formed by the San Diego Police Department in response to documented street gang activity, this club has more than 300 East African youth enrolled, with active participation from between 50 and 200 during meetings and events. (Mills)
The Iraqi War
The Iraq war begins. As of 2019, over 2 million Iraqi’s remain displaced within Iraq and 250,000 in neighboring countries.
Somali-Bantu Community Organization
This organization works on projects like City Heights Youth for Change and creating parent support networks for the over 700 Bantu refugees resettled in San Diego county (mostly City Heights) due to a history of discrimination in Somalia
Immigration Justice Project
Created with the mission of promoting due process and access to justice at all levels of the immigration and appellate court system, this organization provides high-quality pro bono legal services for those in immigration proceedings in San Diego.
San Diego Refugee Tutoring
Started by teachers who recognized the need for extra support and growth of refugee students in City Heights, the programovides one-on-one tutoring for students.